* NB – There are also Server, Technician and Technician Plus licences also available for AOMEI Backupper, given t hat these are all specialist business licences, they are therefore beyond the scope of this review.

You can download AOMEI Backupper Standard for free in addition to trying Backupper Professional on a 30 day free trial. AOMEI Backupper Workstation: Functionally the same as the Professional version, the main feature of the Workstation version of Backupper is that it is licenced for use on commercial (business) devices at a cost of $59.95 / per device.Additionally, professional support is available 24hrs per day when purchasing the Professional version (in contrast, only limited “business hours” support is available to Standard users). Additional functionality includes use of AES 192-bit encryption and file exclusion filters, the ability to clone a full system and adjust partition sizes whilst doing so, the ability to restore to dissimilar hardware and the ability to make use of real-time and two-way folder synchronisation amongst other things. AOMEI Backupper Professional: This is the premium version of Backupper aimed at personal (non-commercial) home users, it takes everything that the Standard version does and extends it even further with many more functions and settings available.Some limitations do exist however, this incudes the lack of encryption on backups, the lack of real-time synchronisation in the sync tool and no use of the universal restore tool for recovering image backups to new or dissimilar hardware.

AOMEI Backupper Standard: The basic version of the software offering a good range of backup, disk cloning and file synchronisation functionality at zero cost to the personal (non-commercial) user.The full range of Backupper versions currently includes: Different Versions AvailableĪs of the time of writing this review there are several versions of AOMEI Backupper available, staring with the Standard version which is 100% free for personal usage, a Professional version with additional backup and disk imaging functionality provided, through to more specialised versions designed for use in business and on servers. This process starts off with the installation process and then moves on making a file level backup, restoring files, making use of the full system image backups and then, finally, looking at some of the other features included in Backupper such as file synchronisation and recovery media tools.

In this section of this AOMEI Backupper review I will be looking at the software in more detail and seeing how well it functions.