If she does the latter, Kaiser reveals that all parties-the Camarilla, Torque and Callihan-were working together, and that the Council and Torque collectively took part in Callihan's murder after he outlived his usefulness. She then has the option to either walk away or torture him for information.

Sensing a setup, Julia wrestles Kaiser out of the moving limo and subdues him. Julia manages to reach Kaiser, who berates her for her relentless drive despite no one actually wanting the mystery solved. Back at Callihan's office, D'Angelo assists Julia with her investigation and discovers that the office has been wired by the powerful and elusive information broker Kaiser. D'Angelo reveals that the four people on the list, through their frequent employment, became aware of a conspiracy involving multiple sects in the city, after which they either disappeared or were forced into hiding or seeking protection.

Qadir and Julia discover D'Angelo, now a broken man and a drunkard, hiding inside his own detective agency.